Painting Elizabeth

Stage 1 -  A Play Date

I spend the day with my sitter, or as much of a day as we can manage. In this time, I play for the first hour or two, then gradually take photographs as well as some quick sketches if possible. At this stage I just want to find out as much as possible about my sitter

Stage 2 - Collecting information

Information both visually and verbally. I will take pictures and will also take any favourite pictures the parents want me to have. But I also need to talk to a family member about their child, his or her likes and dislikes, how they view the child and so forth

Stage 3 - Setting up the Studio

I take all the visual information I have, print the pictures I like and paste them around the walls in my studio, along with any sketches. Then I decide how I want the child the be portrayed. I also have to prepare the composition.  I will usually at this stage email the parents and share with them my intentions, I may send a sketch if it helps them see what I intend.

Stage 4 - Composition

I knew I wanted to emphasise Elula’s direct look, so I let her eyes dominate the picture. Reproduced here is a close up showing the detail I painted into the eye area, in contrast to the rest of the face and body which was painted with larger brushes. 

The second aspect is composition. Here there is a pyramid created by the angle of her head, making that all important gaze the apex. The dress strap slipping over her shoulder hints at her free spirited, natural qualities. A darker background is another way of letting us focus on her eyes.

Stage 5 - Painting

Once I have decided on composition and style, I start to work. A normal sized pportrait can take a week or so. Sometimes it all goes wrong and I have to start again. If I am unsure, I will email work-in-progress images to the parent who is helping me for advice.

Stage 6 - Sending the portrait to you

Normally I send the unstretched canvas to my agent, Lisa, in LA.  She will have been in touch with you to discuss any framing or stretching requirements. She will bring you your finished work on a simple wooden frame 32mm thick.

 Getting to know the sitter

You have to spend time with a child, play, talk, make cakes together, paint, read stories and have fun. It also helps to watch them playing with other children. Elizabeth is a lot of fun and very easy to to play with.